Factors that Influence Dental Implants Costs
- Quantity
- Bone density
- Type of procedure required
- The presence of gum disease
- Sinus lift
- Tooth extractions

Determining Implant Costs
If you are thinking about dental implants, which are today’s leading choice for replacing missing teeth, then you are probably thinking about cost as well.
Every patient is different, which is why we recommend making an appointment with family dentist in Orlando, FL, Dr. Lawrence Duffy and Dr. Kyle Duffy, so that they can examine your mouth and discuss exactly what your needs and costs will be.
The greater the number of missing teeth you have, the higher the cost will be for dental implant material and treatment. Patients with multiple missing teeth require a more detailed examination to discern how much bone loss has occurred and the best location for each implant.
Dental implants are placed in the jaw to mimic real tooth roots, which means that they need sufficient bone for support. Patients with significant bone loss from gum disease or other problems may need a separate procedure to increase bone density before the implants are placed. This will affect overall costs.
If you are looking to replace teeth lost in the upper premolar or molar areas of your mouth, then you may need a sinus lift first. This will impact overall costs.
If you have lost some of your teeth due to gum disease or currently have an active periodontal infection, you may first need gum disease treatment to restore your oral health and increase the success and longevity of your dental implants. Gum disease treatment is a separate procedure.
Sometimes teeth need to be pulled before dental implants can be placed. Tooth extractions are also a separate procedure.

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